Cutting unpredictable people or people not conducive to an autistic lifestyle out

Can autistic people have a tendency to cut other people out of their lives if they negatively impact their autistic tendencies (and so appearing very hardhearted to outside observers) . Does this result from black/white thinking, over emphasis of rules and a strong need to have people in their lives who are predictable and minimise uncertainty in their own lives.

  • I'd say my life is pretty peaceful now because I only kept several people who genuinely care about me around, and we accept each other for who we are, listen to one another, and help each other grow, and I'm happy because when we do talk, we always have interesting conversations about creative and complex topics, and we just have fun and humor each other, but there's also a lot of personal space to just wonder around and do things freely. I love the life I'm living right now.

    There were certain people who put me down, got angry at me, tried to change everything that they considered wrong with me, who tried various ways to fix me, but they just broke me, humiliated me and made me the butt of jokes, and it was just a lot of hostility, stress, negativity, and I don't think it's a situation that anyone would like to be in. Some of these people were considered my family and friends. All I would do is give to them, and they'll just take until I had nothing left. I learned later in life that relationships are a two-way street, and based on their treatment towards me (which wasn't very good) I decided to cut contact with them so they can life their life, and I could live mine, but separate from each other. I mean my logic is that if they were nice and respectful I would enjoy their company more, but if they're mean and negative why would I want to be around people like that? I don't have to be. 

  • Sounds great. Autistic people often do get treated like rubbish and its about time more of us just don't accept it anymore and consider our own health and well being. Sounds like you've learnt that and are putting it into practice which is great to hear.

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