Cutting unpredictable people or people not conducive to an autistic lifestyle out

Can autistic people have a tendency to cut other people out of their lives if they negatively impact their autistic tendencies (and so appearing very hardhearted to outside observers) . Does this result from black/white thinking, over emphasis of rules and a strong need to have people in their lives who are predictable and minimise uncertainty in their own lives.

  • I never ever do this. If someone leaves my life, it's because they have decided to go. I don't cut people out my life.

  • I'm the same. I rarely give up on people, even though I sometimes should. 

  • Its not about giving up on people, they will still exist even if they are not in your life and do just find in most cases without us. Its about vetting who you allow into your life as an aspie for your own good as NT people and their often toxic tendencies can do us alot of damage and be a bit like playing russian roulette. Its not about them its about us. I mean this is even more of a test for people, than the standard NT test, to show that they really care about you. If they make the substantial effort to learn how to handle you then that is even more of an indication that they should be there. If you think about it its a good approach too because you will only ever have to deal with people that care for you and respect you so you will in the end have much fewer problems (in theory. TNT (Toxic Neuro Typicals :) ) will always find a way to do damage so you can't guard against them all) 

  • Its not about giving up on people, they will still exist even if they are not in your life and do just find in most cases without us. Its about vetting who you allow into your life as an aspie for your own good as NT people and their often toxic tendencies can do us alot of damage and be a bit like playing russian roulette. Its not about them its about us. I mean this is even more of a test for people, than the standard NT test, to show that they really care about you. If they make the substantial effort to learn how to handle you then that is even more of an indication that they should be there. If you think about it its a good approach too because you will only ever have to deal with people that care for you and respect you so you will in the end have much fewer problems (in theory. TNT (Toxic Neuro Typicals :) ) will always find a way to do damage so you can't guard against them all) 

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