Headache/cloudy head for 4 months


Since late November I've had a headache/dull ache in my head.

I noticed it about a day after weightlifting (overhead dumbbell press) where I know I pushed too hard, and it also caused me to sprain my neck (since been sorted). At first it was a standard headache and then downgraded to a cloudy/foggy feeling in my head. It tends to be worst when I wake up in the morning, but once I get up and start moving about it lessens.

From Doctor's recommendations I have had a blood test (Nothing wrong), eye test (All normal), couple of chiropractic sessions and it's still there, albeit better. My Doctor seem to think it's unrelated to the sprained neck caused by my lifting, although the chiropractor feels differently. (Removed by Mod)

My family and others are leaning towards it being like a sprained muscle, in my head, as in I have pulled a muscle/hurt a nerve in my head and it's taking a while to repair (thinking this as it has gotten a lot better compared to how I initially felt) I was wondering if this (Removed by Mod) s a thing or if people have any other suggestions. To clarify, it's not actually painful so much as a nuisance, and gives me like a cloudy/fuzzy feeling in the top front of my head generally.

Any advice welcomed!

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