Had a shutdown

Yesterday, the charger for my MacBook Pro - which I only got about a month ago via eBay - stopped working. At this moment in time, I can't afford to buy a replacement. I have tons of direct debits each month - insurance and rates.

Also, I could no longer access the Discord server as I damaged my phone - beyond repair - and I can't get Google Authenticator working on my other phone. I feel that God is telling me to slow down and do less.

Last night, I had a shutdown. I felt helpless. My artist friend was looking me to help him access his Gmail whenever he phoned me. He's so clueless with technology, and keeps dropping F-Bombs over the phone. This is why I could never be a Teacher.

I'm blanked out.

  • maybe this time, God is right ,, have a "do nothing" day. I had one yesterday :)

  • God's will for me, in this case, is a dish best served cold.

    I never clean my devices regularly enough. Now, I have to clean the dust off my MacBook Pro on Wednesday, before asking the Itek guy to trade it for parts. At least I got six and a half years out of the thing. It was on its last legs, anyway.

    I will accept the opportunity to humble myself, and rely on the Libraries for the Internet and Microsoft Office.

    Now I know why I could never hold onto a job when I was younger. I lacked common sense. An old Teacher of mine said that I had brains to burn, but could never apply my knowledge. She was right.

  • God's will for me, in this case, is a dish best served cold.

    I never clean my devices regularly enough. Now, I have to clean the dust off my MacBook Pro on Wednesday, before asking the Itek guy to trade it for parts. At least I got six and a half years out of the thing. It was on its last legs, anyway.

    I will accept the opportunity to humble myself, and rely on the Libraries for the Internet and Microsoft Office.

    Now I know why I could never hold onto a job when I was younger. I lacked common sense. An old Teacher of mine said that I had brains to burn, but could never apply my knowledge. She was right.

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