Meltdown created by insomnia

I had ZERO sleep, last night, and only forty minutes of a nap this morning. Then I visited my Artist Friend to borrow his laptop. (my MacBook Pro's charger is damaged and unsafe; I can't afford a replacement for now) but it's Windows 7 and slowwwwww. Plus it's not compatable with Skype and LibreOffice.

Then I was considering doing damage to myself, and anything in my way. Normally, I'm a gentle giant. But today I flipped it.

I put so much effort in for such little return. Perhaps I need to rethink my career path.

Parents Reply
  • I only just minded, now, that today is the Trash day for the Black and Brown bins. (one of them will be dealt with in less than an hour's time)

    Normally, I'm like clockwork with the bins - living so long with an elderly woman does that to you - but yesterday, I needed sleep. (slept from 3:45 pm to 3:15 am)
