Meltdown in Hospital

Things went beyond my ability to cope in the hospital yesterday,    They tried to take bloods and insert a cannula but they were incredibly ham-fisted and messed it up completely - it was so painful - the two junior doctors eventually gave up and the senior had to do it.    It's irritating because I have such good and accessible veins.     I felt really nauseous afterwards and tired where I'd braced myself for so long.

I was taken to the CT room but the procedures there got out of control too, additional things were found during the pre-scan and the sedation didn't work and the biopsies were incredibly painful so I ended up melting down.     They were flummoxed - even though we had explained in great detail what could happen and after everything went wrong, my inner 8-year old popped out and I completely burned out.    My memory is patchy from there on.

Even today, I feel so tired from my muscles tensing and shaking so much and feel unstable and tearful.

One strange thing - they found I have no spleen.     Really strange - I've not had any operations and never been probed by aliens so I don't know where that went.   Smiley

  • I'll be attending an online rosary this evening at seven.

    There'll be intentions for yourself - and Roswell - while I recite; plus for other friends in distress. Normally, I head to Chapels and light candles. But I'm self-isolating, and Lockdown has started today.

  • I'll be attending an online rosary this evening at seven.

    There'll be intentions for yourself - and Roswell - while I recite; plus for other friends in distress. Normally, I head to Chapels and light candles. But I'm self-isolating, and Lockdown has started today.
