Masks in shops

I’m anxious about the masks being compulsory to wear in shops. I know their is exemptions and I was given a laminated card from my care team. I’m anxious about being stopped though and potentially questioned as I’m not very good in social situations. What if they don’t allow me entry even after seeing the card? I can’t bear the feeling of wearing something on my face. I’ve never wear hoods or hats either because I just don’t like how it feels. It irritates me and makes me feel very uncomfortable. I don’t like it when I can’t see people’s face either as it’s already difficult reading people and guessing their intentions without their face being covered on top of that.

Does anybody relate? Any advice?


  • The main problem with all this wooly advice from the government is that it then breeds self righteous busybodies who cannot see that there are those with problems that cause severe panic attacks or physical problems that make it well nigh impossible for those so affected to wear a mask.

    There is a list of problems included in the exceptions listed on the government website.  However, exemptions are not being mentioned, or very rarely so.  All you hear is that it is mandatory.

    The government has said that a GP note is not required.  Basically it is self certification, if you feel you have a condition that means you are exempt that should be sufficient.  Transport companies, and some local authorities have issued cards that are 'official' for their services.  Also the transport companies have agreed to accept an exemption card from another operator.

    The card is meant to prevent the righteous from complaining, and also help prevent embarrassment in situations where it has been declared that masks are mandatory if you don't fit in with the exemption classes.  This has now created the situation that the neighbour's gardener's hairdresser's cousin knows someone abusing the system and therefore everyone who carries a card must be using it when they are not entitled to exemption from wearing the mask.  Humans tend to be very judgemental on others when they are different, which is trait I do not like.  We do not know the circumstances of other people, let alone strangers, and we have to accept them for what they are.  I don't believe it will be likely at all for the police to be called if someone is not wearing a mask especially if someone says they are exempt unless there has been riotous behaviour or theft.  The shop does not have powers of arrest so if the shop refuses to servie someone who has taken the mask off the person would just leave, the police are not going to drop everything to investigate and even if they did by saying you have x, y, or z justifiable reason for not wearing one you should be ok.  Police have got plenty of other things to investigate.

  • The main problem with all this wooly advice from the government is that it then breeds self righteous busybodies who cannot see that there are those with problems that cause severe panic attacks or physical problems that make it well nigh impossible for those so affected to wear a mask.

    There is a list of problems included in the exceptions listed on the government website.  However, exemptions are not being mentioned, or very rarely so.  All you hear is that it is mandatory.

    The government has said that a GP note is not required.  Basically it is self certification, if you feel you have a condition that means you are exempt that should be sufficient.  Transport companies, and some local authorities have issued cards that are 'official' for their services.  Also the transport companies have agreed to accept an exemption card from another operator.

    The card is meant to prevent the righteous from complaining, and also help prevent embarrassment in situations where it has been declared that masks are mandatory if you don't fit in with the exemption classes.  This has now created the situation that the neighbour's gardener's hairdresser's cousin knows someone abusing the system and therefore everyone who carries a card must be using it when they are not entitled to exemption from wearing the mask.  Humans tend to be very judgemental on others when they are different, which is trait I do not like.  We do not know the circumstances of other people, let alone strangers, and we have to accept them for what they are.  I don't believe it will be likely at all for the police to be called if someone is not wearing a mask especially if someone says they are exempt unless there has been riotous behaviour or theft.  The shop does not have powers of arrest so if the shop refuses to servie someone who has taken the mask off the person would just leave, the police are not going to drop everything to investigate and even if they did by saying you have x, y, or z justifiable reason for not wearing one you should be ok.  Police have got plenty of other things to investigate.

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