doctors phone calls

finding these really stressful and avoiding. Any kind of phone call is really getting to me and so hard to try and avoid a complete meltdown. Any advice or anyone out there finding the same with phone calls?

  • Hi there.I have started to hate the phone i either miss the call and that individual is impossible to call back or it calls at the wrong time.

    I actually prefer email now but here is the thing that drives me mad people that are unkind or unprofessional either take ages to respond or don't respond you chase then I get accused of harassing them .Autism is a fun world not!

  • Hi there.I have started to hate the phone i either miss the call and that individual is impossible to call back or it calls at the wrong time.

    I actually prefer email now but here is the thing that drives me mad people that are unkind or unprofessional either take ages to respond or don't respond you chase then I get accused of harassing them .Autism is a fun world not!

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