Advice please regarding my Aspie Mum and Coronavirus

Good Afternoon Everyone

I'm sure I'm not alone but I'm feeling quite stressed at the moment. I have a newborn baby and we live with my mum and my husband.

My husband is asthmatic so is higher risk and my baby is only 2 months but my mum who was diagnosed as autistic 2 years ago at the age of 62 keeps leaving the house for unnecessary reasons and to meet up with friends.

I understand that things are difficult for her at the moment and that all her routines have changed and sometimes she will have a bit of a meltdown over it all but she's putting the whole household at risk. 

I've tried talking to her about it a couple of times and explaining but I can't seem to help her understand that she's putting us all at risk, one time she said to me 'oh, I guess I'm just selfish but I can't help it'.

I even asked the psychologist working with my mum to call her but she just lied and said she was fine!

My husband got quite angry with her but all that's done is to make her say that she's going out all the more. 

Please could someone help me out with some advice, she's out again now and all I can think is is she going to bring the virus home this time?

Sorry for the lengthy post but thank you if you've taken the time to read it all. 

Stay safe everyone x

  • I'm not sure what else you can do to convince her, though I am reluctant to say so the health of your family must come first. There are fines for social gatherings during lockdown including in homes other then your own, I would consider contacting authorities if you know where she is going and hope they can get the point across. I'm sorry but it doesn't seem like she has given you a lot of choice.

    Her response to you and your husband rang a few alarm bells in terms of manipulative behaviour, it alone isn't much to go on of course but you may also want a look at this to see if any of it rings true.

  • I'm not sure what else you can do to convince her, though I am reluctant to say so the health of your family must come first. There are fines for social gatherings during lockdown including in homes other then your own, I would consider contacting authorities if you know where she is going and hope they can get the point across. I'm sorry but it doesn't seem like she has given you a lot of choice.

    Her response to you and your husband rang a few alarm bells in terms of manipulative behaviour, it alone isn't much to go on of course but you may also want a look at this to see if any of it rings true.

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