GP referral appointment

So, I've been researching and thinking of asking for a referral for a while. With everything going on I figured that GPs probably have enough to do, so I decided to wait... Fast forward a couple of weeks and there's no clear end of the current situation in sight, and I've had to start working from home.

This week has been really stressful, but it was Monday when I was trying to get used to my new work area; with a  differentcomputer and monitor setup, different apps to use for remote working, different environment such as no familiar office buzz, and annoying distractions like neighbours doing DIY, kids playing in gardens, and local church bell chiming ever 15 minutes. It was all a bit much and I ended up having a bit of a freak out and a cry before pulling myself together.

Things have improved over the week, although I still don't feel comfortable with how things are but there's not a fat lot I can do about that.

But anyway, today I decided to finally ask for a referral. I've never been to this doctor before as I've recently moved, and the phones were busy but I noticed they have a secure messaging service to contact a GP, so I used that instead and explained a bit of my situation and attached a file with the list of my traits that I feel could be considered autistic.

They've booked me in for a telephone consultation on Monday morning. I was hoping for a face to face appointment but I guess they are probably doing more phone calls at the moment to minimise contact. I'm pretty nervous because I don't like phone calls and I'm worried I'm going to mess it up.

Does anybody have any tips?

  • I’m the same with phone calls - so write a list of things you may want to discuss and put them in priority order. Focus on the things that trouble you most. Maybe practice saying what you need to before the call.

  • Thanks for the reply, I did read it but I forgot to reply!

    I've just had the call. I had all my notes ready and somehow completely forgot about them and fumbled my way through it, but the doctor said he was going to look into getting me a referral so I mustn't have messed it up. It probably helped that I had already sent through my notes as a PDF.

    He did mention that adult autism referrals wasn't something that the practice had much experience in, and that NHS provision in the area was lacking, but he sounded hopeful that he'd be able to sort something and he would be back in touch with me as soon as he had any updates.

  • Thanks for the reply, I did read it but I forgot to reply!

    I've just had the call. I had all my notes ready and somehow completely forgot about them and fumbled my way through it, but the doctor said he was going to look into getting me a referral so I mustn't have messed it up. It probably helped that I had already sent through my notes as a PDF.

    He did mention that adult autism referrals wasn't something that the practice had much experience in, and that NHS provision in the area was lacking, but he sounded hopeful that he'd be able to sort something and he would be back in touch with me as soon as he had any updates.

  • No problem :) yeah the resources are a bit thin and it could take a number of months before the federal comes through due to waiting lists, but it’s a step in the right direction. They may also do pre-assessment screening at some point with you :) If you gave any anxieties or want any more information, drop me a message. If I can help I always will :)