Autism or narcissism mother

Hello, does anyone struggle to understand their mother's behaviour and wonder if she is autistic, or narcissistic? I have ptsd from my mother's screaming and yelling fits in childhood. The thing is, recently I went to a therapist who suggested she is narcissistic, covert type. However I have aspergers and I really wonder how a mother with Aspergers might appear if she had ptsd herself and no autisn diagnosis due to masking her whole life and being born in the 1940s. How could you tell the difference between the notoriously difficult to spot covert narcissist mother, and a mother with Aspergers and ptsd and possible depression? Mood swings, difficulties with empathy, meltdowns, yelling, blame shifting, really hurtful lnsensitive comments, raging if criticised or perceived to be being criticised, different masks or persons, etc etc how would one ever know? I'm looking for anyone with experience in their own lives with this please, I'm interested to hear about your narcissistic OR autistic mom. Thanks a lot. 

  • Hey I am going through the same issues with my mother, she was born 47 in the rural south and has PTSD and either autism or covert narcissism, she had the same kind of meltdowns, breakdowns, raging screaming, spankings and whippings, she also as empathy issues, and I also can't tell if her silent treatment is an actual verbal skill deficiency because she does have speech issues also and she has tactile issues, but sometimes it's like she switches between two masks a kind of childlike one and then her normal self, they aren't different personalities tho, it's hard to explain. She seems to also have issues of learned helplessness my dad wasn't abusive Soni think this maybe have been from childhood trauma but she doesn't talk about it, she doesn't really talk about anything that doesn't interest her or benefit her she is very self occupied and sometimes I can't tell if she's is being manipulative kn purpose or if she doesn't even realize she also lies about stuff dumb stuff like if she showered that day or drank water that day not just with chores tho cause I guess that could be the depression symptoms, I feel like that age group especially in rural areas never had access to help and was shamed for needing it, it's still that way really. 

    I have ADHD and I also can't tell if my mom has Parkinson's or not but I feel like it's also related to autism and ADHD all of them are low dopamine problems. 

    Your situation seemed kind of similar, I hope it has improved, would like to touch base with you, because I'm kinda at my wits end with it all 

  • Hey I am going through the same issues with my mother, she was born 47 in the rural south and has PTSD and either autism or covert narcissism, she had the same kind of meltdowns, breakdowns, raging screaming, spankings and whippings, she also as empathy issues, and I also can't tell if her silent treatment is an actual verbal skill deficiency because she does have speech issues also and she has tactile issues, but sometimes it's like she switches between two masks a kind of childlike one and then her normal self, they aren't different personalities tho, it's hard to explain. She seems to also have issues of learned helplessness my dad wasn't abusive Soni think this maybe have been from childhood trauma but she doesn't talk about it, she doesn't really talk about anything that doesn't interest her or benefit her she is very self occupied and sometimes I can't tell if she's is being manipulative kn purpose or if she doesn't even realize she also lies about stuff dumb stuff like if she showered that day or drank water that day not just with chores tho cause I guess that could be the depression symptoms, I feel like that age group especially in rural areas never had access to help and was shamed for needing it, it's still that way really. 

    I have ADHD and I also can't tell if my mom has Parkinson's or not but I feel like it's also related to autism and ADHD all of them are low dopamine problems. 

    Your situation seemed kind of similar, I hope it has improved, would like to touch base with you, because I'm kinda at my wits end with it all 

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