Struggling Mum with an ASD 6 year old

Hi all

I'm usually a really fun bubbly and outgoing person but the almost daily struggled of looking after my 6 year old son (with undiagnosed asd) is really taking its toll on me.

As well as the constant battle to get him assessed by paediatrics and get some advice or support that actually works

Children's services suggested I go to the doctors but I don't want to go on anti depressants. I go to the gym when I can, some times twice a week, sometimes not at all. I have also joined a book club that I go to fortnightly. Even though I'm making some time for myself once I'm home and back with Alfie I feel down a deflated again.

Does anyone else feel or felt that same? how do you cope?

  • I understand how hard it is to raise a chid with special condition. Don't you want to consider getting someone to help you take care of your 6 yo old? Of course, you still have all the responsibilities but when you remember that you also need to take care of yourself too. So when you want to breathe for a while, you have someone who can look after him.