Do stress assessments in the work setting work for autistic employees if they are designed for neurotypicals?

Hi, I work for the NHS 3 days a week.  Our service has been reorganised at short notice, we have been relocated, given new technology without adequate training and we are short of staff.

We are all stressed in various ways and the Managers are monitoring this.  My line Manager wants to do a Stress Test on me (I'm an Aspie), does anyone know if such tests for Neurotypicals are appropriate to Aspies/Austists??   Things that stress me (not achieving things and noisy overcrowded meeting rooms are not what stress NTs).  Has anyone any experience of this?

  • Hi. I've never heard of a stress test before - am I right in saying they're stress testing everyone? 

    I'd recommend getting in touch with Occupational Health - they can probably advise your manager of whether the test would be suitable, whether there are any adjustments they can make to the test (or the working environment!), and whether a different test/approach could be taken with you.

  • Hi. I've never heard of a stress test before - am I right in saying they're stress testing everyone? 

    I'd recommend getting in touch with Occupational Health - they can probably advise your manager of whether the test would be suitable, whether there are any adjustments they can make to the test (or the working environment!), and whether a different test/approach could be taken with you.

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