Everything's got worse since my diagnosis

I've been recently diagnosed with ASD after troubles with anxiety, depression and concentration.
While the diagnosis has improved the depression, I feel like my anxiety and concentration problems (sensitive to conversations and loud/lots of sounds going on around me) have become worse.

The things that are worse are that I sweat all the time I'm around people and most of the time I have a headache (even when alone), which gets worse when there are conversations happening near me.

I tried telling my parents but they seemed as if they didn't believe me at first, saying that it sounded weird.

Did anyone else have this?

  • In theory getting a diagnosis gives us a sense of relief and lots of answers to why we are the way we are. It does, but it also gives way to lots of ASD/anxiety symptoms that we’ve learned to mask and bury to try to fit in and appear ‘normal’. Have you tried speaking with your doctor about this?

  • So I could be unmasking the things I've just automatically masked over time?

  • I’ve found personally, that I’ve spent my whole life trying to fit in. Getting diagnosed as Autistic has made me realise that I don’t need to fit in. BUT alongside letting go of trying to be ‘normal’ comes realising all of the eccentricities/oddities/anxieties that I’ve buried for years. Because I don’t feel that I need to bury them anymore. But oh wow that is going to be one hell of a lot of stuff to sort through and I will need support from services of some description to sort through it. Have you had any post diagnostic support?

  • I’ve found personally, that I’ve spent my whole life trying to fit in. Getting diagnosed as Autistic has made me realise that I don’t need to fit in. BUT alongside letting go of trying to be ‘normal’ comes realising all of the eccentricities/oddities/anxieties that I’ve buried for years. Because I don’t feel that I need to bury them anymore. But oh wow that is going to be one hell of a lot of stuff to sort through and I will need support from services of some description to sort through it. Have you had any post diagnostic support?

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