Hearing voices

Has anyone any information or experience of hearing conversations, whistling in your head??? Does anyone know if this is connected to ASD??

  • What sort of conversations?

    I have a really clear/loud/vivid inner monologue that's almost like I can hear it, and sometimes that tips over into my brain replaying conversations I've had, rehearsing conversations with people, and imagining various scenarios (I'm a big daydreamer, definitely comes under 'maladaptive daydreaming'-and I use these daydreamy imaginary conversations between imaginary people for creative writing). And I think those things are related to ASD (though equally common seems to be people who don't feel they have an inner monologue as such and think more visually).

  • What sort of conversations?

    I have a really clear/loud/vivid inner monologue that's almost like I can hear it, and sometimes that tips over into my brain replaying conversations I've had, rehearsing conversations with people, and imagining various scenarios (I'm a big daydreamer, definitely comes under 'maladaptive daydreaming'-and I use these daydreamy imaginary conversations between imaginary people for creative writing). And I think those things are related to ASD (though equally common seems to be people who don't feel they have an inner monologue as such and think more visually).

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