Fake "LikeBots" As Well As Copybots, now upon this NAS Forum

Greetings to All. This is the latest "Maintenance" Thread, or 'Report Spam' Thread. ( ...& For those not interested or not affected, I say just move on, or start Your own Thread. ) But this kind of Thread *is* necessary at times. NAS themselves say to start a New Thread when a New problem arises, and so that is what I am doing here.

NAS, There is a LIKEBOT here now, as well as a COPYBOT. Again. (Using a Plural does not matter.) This Thread is begun to draw Your attentions to the fact.

The BEST information on This Forum, about dealing with "Copybots":

The "LikeBot" is a new thing. I Myself have been seen to "like" certain (new) Users of whom I have no knowledge. This is the Thread to write about that, now. I have never "upvoted" these Persons but someone has FAKED My doing so...

So, NAS, --- SORT IT OUT!!!

Parents Reply Children
  • Surely not?

    Ayshe mod said all was well, 

    And said all replies of any suspicious people were deleted, so the four not nice replies by Dutchman must be in my imagination. 

    Crikey I think we have been spun a load of none sense.

    I found her reply to me to be condescending and designed to put me in my place , remind me who owns this site and to listen carefully to her words and just accept them as gospel.

     Er no I am a client of a resource for people like me, she states they have a duty of care towards us, not cure how as there have been many here over the years who have tried hard to contact the NAS and not succeeded, they have ignored calls for help, I myself said publicly as well as by message that a member needed help. I got no reply to say my words had been seen. 

    Nothing will change here, we are an add on, they are seen to be doing the right thing but leave us to run it, we do as a community but our words are rarely seen or acted upon.