Fake "LikeBots" As Well As Copybots, now upon this NAS Forum

Greetings to All. This is the latest "Maintenance" Thread, or 'Report Spam' Thread. ( ...& For those not interested or not affected, I say just move on, or start Your own Thread. ) But this kind of Thread *is* necessary at times. NAS themselves say to start a New Thread when a New problem arises, and so that is what I am doing here.

NAS, There is a LIKEBOT here now, as well as a COPYBOT. Again. (Using a Plural does not matter.) This Thread is begun to draw Your attentions to the fact.

The BEST information on This Forum, about dealing with "Copybots":

The "LikeBot" is a new thing. I Myself have been seen to "like" certain (new) Users of whom I have no knowledge. This is the Thread to write about that, now. I have never "upvoted" these Persons but someone has FAKED My doing so...

So, NAS, --- SORT IT OUT!!!

  • This forum is actually where I learned about the existence of copybots for the first time in my life. I read about posts complaining about copybots shortly after I joined and was quite confused about what they were. But after being on here for so long, these copybot issues come up so frequently that it's a big issue, and everyone is getting tired of them. Other forums seem to not have these problems somehow (I don't know if it's better programming or just moderators deleting them quickly), but these posts trick innocent people into replying to something which is not even relevant. I honestly don't understand WHY people make copybots in the first place.... they don't serve any purpose other than being an annoyance.  

  • This forum is actually where I learned about the existence of copybots for the first time in my life. I read about posts complaining about copybots shortly after I joined and was quite confused about what they were. But after being on here for so long, these copybot issues come up so frequently that it's a big issue, and everyone is getting tired of them. Other forums seem to not have these problems somehow (I don't know if it's better programming or just moderators deleting them quickly), but these posts trick innocent people into replying to something which is not even relevant. I honestly don't understand WHY people make copybots in the first place.... they don't serve any purpose other than being an annoyance.  

  • Being an annoyance is what a copybot is all about

    Older posts are less likely to be recognised as being copied.

    Reasons for copying posts may be to stir up mischief by a disgruntled member using a different identity. The posts are invariably using a generic NAS name.  I don't think they should be ignored, and neither should the false likes unless we find out it is due to a malfunction in the software that has been rectified. 

    Such likes and copybot posts could be a method of circumventing spam filters or to create other unwelcome activity and should be stopped and reported immediately.

  • Might not even be a bot. Could just be someone trying to drag up old drama with a new account.

    Best just to ignore it all.