immune system

I have ASD and seem to get a lot of colds  and can generally feel run down      Can ASD affect the  immune system and does anyone else with ASD have any problems in this way?

  • My daughter gets alot of coughs and gets run down easily I think that she gets run down due to her restricted diet, it is also worth noting that her "normal"  body temperature is higher than it should be

    My partner doesn't get Ill that often but when he does he can't get rid of the cough/cold he has 

    Both are undiagnosed asd 

  • My daughter gets alot of coughs and gets run down easily I think that she gets run down due to her restricted diet, it is also worth noting that her "normal"  body temperature is higher than it should be

    My partner doesn't get Ill that often but when he does he can't get rid of the cough/cold he has 

    Both are undiagnosed asd 

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