Food Shopping

A while back I had to stop using home delivery for my food shopping and, after much consideration, decided to shop in my local Co-op.

There were some plus points: I receive 5% cashback on Co-op branded items; I could walk (or cycle) to the store; I could visit the store easily timewise; it should not be too busy.

I did not think there would be any negatives (apart from the bright lights). I was wrong.

The store insists on playing music on a Co-op owned radio station. I thought people were there to shop, not listen to "music". But I was wrong. All to often the music is the thump-thump-thump-thump variety and is too loud. And the sound equipment is not particularly good quality.

Asking staff members for the radio to be turned down (or off) got me nowhere. The Co-op runs a 'Your Store Your Say' website for feedback. That website got me nowhere despite my mentioning the fact people with autism etc. were being discriminated against. Calls to the Co-op's customer care team got me nowhere (although one person added £5 to my cashback).

Yesterday, after months of complaining via the Your Store Your Say website and a call to a helpful person in the customer care team, I received an e-mail from the store manager to meet him to discuss the issue.

Following the meeting, I am shattered but thought it worthwhile sharing some of the discussion. First of all, the store manager had to obtain special permission to contact me via e-mail as a result of my repeated feedback on the 'Your Store Your Say' website. The store manager turned off the music for a short time but, apparently, people complained as it made the store more dreary! I am also expected to believe that when the volume was turned down people complained the music was too low.

The manager wanted to know why I found the music irritating. I had already told I have autism and sensory issues and he still used the word "irritating". I tried to explain about sensory issues. I also asked about an Autism Hour but that, apparently, will only happen if there are sufficient complaints (similar to mine) across a significant number of stores.

I nearly forgot. When the music was turned off and people asked why, the manager/staff explained about my complaint of discrimination; to which the people said they were being discriminated against by the music being turned off. There are times when neurotypical REALLY annoy and sadden me and this is one of those times. Too many are not satisfied that the whole world is geared around them and if there is some small thing which helps, for example, people with autism then that is not fair!

The manager made two suggestions: shop between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. when there is no music, the lights are low, etc. or ask the person on the checkout to turn off the music whilst I am shopping. The first suggestion sounds okay but part of my medication includes a sedative and so, practically, I will not be able to get up on time. The second suggestion is fine, providing the staff (who, he said, he will inform of our agreement) actually do it. We shall see.

  • Why don't you get those noise cancelling headphones so that the sound/music doesn't bother you? As far as I'm concerned, you can't expect an entire store to adjust to you, but you yourself can make a few adjustments and make it more bearable to go shopping.

  • As far as I'm concerned, you can't expect an entire store to adjust to you

    Yes, I can in this case because I am not asking for something which is essential to the store. Society has spent more time shopping in stores WITHOUT music being played than with music being played. Furthermore, store adjustments for physical disabilities are now commonplace so hidden disabilities should not be treated as less important. Even the Co-op admits the music should be BACKGROUND music, which, all too often, it is not. The type of music being played also makes a difference: melody based music is far easier to deal with (if you must play music in store) than rhythm based music.

    Hidden disabilities have been the poorer relation for far too long and it has to stop.

  • My request is an easy one for the store to implement. The implementation would cost nothing.

    I should not have to say this but the adjustment would not be just for me: it would be for everyone who suffers from sensory issues as well as people who dislike the chart music being played (but, for whatever, reason have not complained).

    Furthermore, yesterday a neighbour told me she and her daughter do not shop in the Co-op because of music being too loud.

    The bottom line is that as someone with autism who suffers from sensory issues I am asking for a little understanding and an easy, free adjustment (which, as I have said, will also benefit other people). That should not be too much to ask and should not take long to implement.

  • My request is an easy one for the store to implement. The implementation would cost nothing.

    I should not have to say this but the adjustment would not be just for me: it would be for everyone who suffers from sensory issues as well as people who dislike the chart music being played (but, for whatever, reason have not complained).

    Furthermore, yesterday a neighbour told me she and her daughter do not shop in the Co-op because of music being too loud.

    The bottom line is that as someone with autism who suffers from sensory issues I am asking for a little understanding and an easy, free adjustment (which, as I have said, will also benefit other people). That should not be too much to ask and should not take long to implement.

  • Most people with sensory issues, wear ear defenders or noise cancelling headphones. There’s a psychological reason behind the music they play in stores, they don’t just play it for the hell of it, it’s all to do with getting people to spend more money and even if they have an autism hour, what are the chances that hour is when you want to go shopping?