school is too much for me, what do i do?

i’m constanatly overwhelmed. strategies are in place to help me cope, for example; optional time out of class, a different room for exams.

but the “normal” classroom environment is a very overwhelming experience for me. i’m constantly tired and cry most of the day, especially if someone talks to me. i don’t really know why.

i miss out on a lot of learning because my sensory issues cause me to leave or not attend certain classes. i struggle to catch up in my free time and school feels unbearable. my grades are always high but it has a negative impact on my mental health.

i have noise cancelling headphones but i never wear them at school because i get weird looks and i don’t like attention or people looking at me. walking through the corridors is so horribly loud and visually overwhelming that i feel separated from my body, like i’m floating.

does anyone have advice on what i can do to make things easier? it feels hopeless at this point. 

  • I suffer from the exact same problem. Try to avoid certain sound frequencies and the sounds within a classroom. Go to somewhere else and take a good breath, ask if you can do the work outside. Maybe take a quick rest at break time, or they could possibly allow you to take a short rest in class time (in or out of the class room). Maybe think of something funny to try and cheer you up and stop you from crying, but if you start crying mid sentence (like I do), try taking a breath then start speaking again.

    If that doesn't help your crying, tell someone you feel able to tell, as they may try to help.

    If you still can't stop crying, just accept the fact and understand that many other people like you, (including me) suffer from exactly the same thing as you do.

  • thank you so much for replying!! it made me feel less alone knowing that there are people that experience the same thing! and thank you for the advice, i’ll definitely be trying it out :) 

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