school is too much for me, what do i do?

i’m constanatly overwhelmed. strategies are in place to help me cope, for example; optional time out of class, a different room for exams.

but the “normal” classroom environment is a very overwhelming experience for me. i’m constantly tired and cry most of the day, especially if someone talks to me. i don’t really know why.

i miss out on a lot of learning because my sensory issues cause me to leave or not attend certain classes. i struggle to catch up in my free time and school feels unbearable. my grades are always high but it has a negative impact on my mental health.

i have noise cancelling headphones but i never wear them at school because i get weird looks and i don’t like attention or people looking at me. walking through the corridors is so horribly loud and visually overwhelming that i feel separated from my body, like i’m floating.

does anyone have advice on what i can do to make things easier? it feels hopeless at this point. 

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  • in an ideal world, i’d have a teacher and quiet space to work - either by my self or with a few other people who had a similar situation to me or at least aren’t disruptive and want to learn. i wouldn’t have to move between classes, therefore avoiding busy corridors. 

    at the moment, if i take time out from a class and am feeling well enough to do some work, i don’t have a teacher to help me which means i miss out on a lot of the work. 

    my school has a learning support base which offers similar things to what i need, except it is exceptionally loud and busy!! this obviously not help my situation. 

    do you have any suggestions?