Exercising with Autism- product

Hello everyone!

My name is Rhea and I'm a third year Product Design Engineering student. My brother has autism, which has inspired me to develop a home product to help individuals on the Autism Spectrum with exercising. Exercising has shown many benefits with ASD and I have several questions related to exercise that would really help my research, and I would welcome your opinion on several questions including the difficulties individuals with ASD face with physical activity. If you are diagnosed with ASD or know anyone with ASD who is 18 or over, I have a survey for that.

I hope to make a positive impact and help people with ASD, and your answers would mean a lot to me! Feel free to message if you would like the link to the survey or  have any questions. Thank you in advance.

  • I can't imagine how variation in exercise is any different for people with autism than anyone else. We are all different in shape, physical prowess, and preferences. It would be highly cynical to make such a claim to market such a product. It would be like saying "I'm making swimming trunks for the blind, because my brother is blind". Cognitive bias can make for a great marketing tool. You seem to have grasped that.

  • I can't imagine how variation in exercise is any different for people with autism than anyone else. We are all different in shape, physical prowess, and preferences. It would be highly cynical to make such a claim to market such a product. It would be like saying "I'm making swimming trunks for the blind, because my brother is blind". Cognitive bias can make for a great marketing tool. You seem to have grasped that.

  • Firstly, this isn't for marketing at all, as it is a university design project, my aim is to help others. Certain exercises I believe are more difficult with ASD, from the results i've gathered so far and with personal experience , I believe there things I could do to make life easier for those with ASD. I know one size doesn't fit all, but as long as it helps and works for some individuals, that would make me happy.