Younger brother

Hello everyone,

I've got a 13-year-old brother who currently weighs nearly 23 stone! His current daily diet is made up of (approximately):

4 packets of Walkers plain crips

4 small packets of white chocolate buttons

2 small strawberry yoghurts


4 bowls of vanilla ice cream

Galaxy chocolate

Sometimes he will have an apple, if I encourage him, and if they're cooked, a couple of pigs in blankets. But that is it.

I don't live at home with him, he lives alone with my mum who has to try and work full-time. Recently my aunt and uncle decided to weigh him while looking after him and that was what it came to.

Does anyone have any advice about how we can get him on new foods, because he simply refuses and runs a mile whenever we suggest trying something? It is hard on my mum also, trying to balance a full-time job with looking after him. Any help for is much appreciated, as I'm worried he could become diabetic or suffer from heart problems, along with other health issues no doubt!

Thanks for any help.


  • My Mum often does have some things in the house, like a fruit bowl full of apples (which the school have got him to eat but he's often refused to eat them, and other foods at home). In the past I have tried encouraging him but I can see that it may come accross as pressurizing him, but I think I'm letting my desire and emotions to help him get in the way of stepping back and thinking I'm making a bit too much fuss.

    I will suggest the fruit in the ice-cream though, thank you.

  • My Mum often does have some things in the house, like a fruit bowl full of apples (which the school have got him to eat but he's often refused to eat them, and other foods at home). In the past I have tried encouraging him but I can see that it may come accross as pressurizing him, but I think I'm letting my desire and emotions to help him get in the way of stepping back and thinking I'm making a bit too much fuss.

    I will suggest the fruit in the ice-cream though, thank you.

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