Self harm?


So, I had a negative experience with a Dr a month or two ago (Around late July), and I am still confused and upset about it. I didn't know how to interpret something; I stated a symptom that was a bit weird and she fell silent and then said 'okay'. Silly it may seem, but I really didn't understand what that meant.

Also, the whole appointment was her contradicting herself during the appointment or based on things she said at previous appointments.

I still remember her tone of voice and some of what she said. As a result, it's like I could still hear her saying 'okay' in the tone of voice that she had at the ear that was beside her (so my right side of my face). I have started shaking my head back and forth, banging the sides of my head (my temples) with my knuckles, and recently I started to slap my ears and stick my finger down the ear that she was beside (I know, not nice to imagine...sorry). The scenes from the appointment replay in my head and I want it to come out I do not know how to deal with it. Oh, and I have began humming really loudly too.

At first, it just started with shaking my head, then escalated to what is written above. I do not mean for it to be a form of self harm. I can't help what I am doing; I have been doing it for around 2/3 weeks I think.

Professionals at the mental health team contradict themselves or just make no sense, i.e, while I was getting assessed for a certain therapy, they said that I would receive it for a year...but there was a reason as to why I was receiving the assessment; to see if I qualify for it. I didn't get accepted. This was around late May I think, and I am still confused as to why professionals would jump to conclusions and I think I am somewhat struggling to deal with the change.

I've been under services for two years and it was just filled with disorganisation and chaos.

So, I just wanted to ask, is this normal for someone who is Autistic? (I am not diagnosed, just waiting to get assessed). I've read a page on this site that explains some of the behaviours that I am doing but I do not know if my scenario fits the reasons as to why someone who is Autistic may result to that certain behaviour(s). I didn't find shaking my head back and forth weird at first, but when I started doing the other behaviours, that is when I thought maybe this is a bit of a problem.

Should I do something about this? To be honest, I really don't want to face another professional again but it may be something that I have to do if what I am doing is dangerous? (based on what my friends say). Would what I am doing change? I am asking this question because what I am doing kind of hurts and is a bit exhausting and I want it to stop. As far as I know, this is a new experience for me (I am 19), hence the slight confusion.

I am trying to distract myself, but this doesn't really do much at the moment.

I hope I am explaining myself well and do not come across as stupid.

Thank you for your time~~

  • Hi MiniBlueberryMuffin,

    There's a lot I could say, but... I've had many negative experiences in the mental health system, and that's unfortunately the route that many people like us get channeled down.  I almost got to feel like a damn nuisance for wasting their time.  Got told by one CPN that she could tell by looking at me that I didn't have a personality disorder.  Got told by a psych that I couldn't be autistic because I didn't rock or flap my hands.  The lack of understanding is appalling.

    As for your behaviours, there are many associated.  I know autistic people who self-harm in different ways - including the things you do.  Eating disorders are often in there, too.  I think part of the problem is that many people are misdiagnosed with MH problems when the root of it all might actually be ASC.  I have a good friend whose diagnosis is BPD.  Her self-harming over the years has left her badly scarred.  She is also anorexic.  She's absolutely convinced that ASC is at the root of her problems, but she can't get anyone to take any notice.  They've given her her diagnosis and that, as far as they're concerned, is final.  Dreadful.

    If you look at the right-hand column, you'll see 'Related' threads that might offer you some good information.

    Take good care,


  • Hi MiniBlueberryMuffin,

    There's a lot I could say, but... I've had many negative experiences in the mental health system, and that's unfortunately the route that many people like us get channeled down.  I almost got to feel like a damn nuisance for wasting their time.  Got told by one CPN that she could tell by looking at me that I didn't have a personality disorder.  Got told by a psych that I couldn't be autistic because I didn't rock or flap my hands.  The lack of understanding is appalling.

    As for your behaviours, there are many associated.  I know autistic people who self-harm in different ways - including the things you do.  Eating disorders are often in there, too.  I think part of the problem is that many people are misdiagnosed with MH problems when the root of it all might actually be ASC.  I have a good friend whose diagnosis is BPD.  Her self-harming over the years has left her badly scarred.  She is also anorexic.  She's absolutely convinced that ASC is at the root of her problems, but she can't get anyone to take any notice.  They've given her her diagnosis and that, as far as they're concerned, is final.  Dreadful.

    If you look at the right-hand column, you'll see 'Related' threads that might offer you some good information.

    Take good care,

