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Ayshe Mod

  • Well, you've already found how to add a new post, which for most people is harder than finding the 'reply' button.

    Try clicking on 'Reply' to the bottom right of your post or mine and adding something more, anything you feel like. Doesn't need to be to do with autism.What are you interested in?

    Here are the forum rules:

    We've had problems with fake posts from bots recently, and this post looks very much like one. Doing a web search for the title and body text shows similar posts on other forums, including on

    In the very unlikely event you're a real person, please reply to a post, or change your profile name or picture, by clicking the little icon up the top right, then 'Profile' from the menu, and then 'Edit profile' on the right.

    Mods, please moderate this user. Everyone else, I wouldn't bother replying and hope this thread is deleted.

  • Business idea: ASD Detective Agency  :-)

  • So long as that doesn't spell ASDA, I'm in.

  • The Michael Keaton movie The Founder gives some interesting insights into the way Ray Kroc got to where he was, and the ruthlessness of his business activities.  Having franchised the model developed by the original McDonald's brothers in California, he then acquired rights to enable him to adapt the business to suit his plans - against theirs - and eventually bought them out.  The kicker is that they were then forbidden to use their own name in any future burger business they might decide to open.

    My early interest in Sherlock Holmes, and my absolute fascination with the character and his personality, may have been my first introduction to the idea of Aspiedom.  I certainly always felt a huge amount of identification with this seemingly friendless eternal bachelor, who forswore romantic attachments of any kind, focusing only on the things that were important to him in his work (even if I lacked his logic and analytical skills).  Mycroft, if anything, always came across to me in the stories as even more eccentric.

  • All this talk of lawyers and names reminds me of the story of McDonald's writing scary letters a Macdonald's Restaurant in Aberdeen, despite the fact the family establishment's existence preceded the multinational's by a generation. Rather feels like the legal action should be in the opposite direction. My web detective skills can't track down much reference to this though, so maybe it's fortunate this thread is going to be deleted...

    Is it just me or did the TV Sherlock imply the whole Holmes family were aspies?

  • All this talk of lawyers and names reminds me of the story of McDonald's writing scary letters a Macdonald's Restaurant in Aberdeen, despite the fact the family establishment's existence preceded the multinational's by a generation. Rather feels like the legal action should be in the opposite direction. My web detective skills can't track down much reference to this though, so maybe it's fortunate this thread is going to be deleted...

    Is it just me or did the TV Sherlock imply the whole Holmes family were aspies?

  • The Michael Keaton movie The Founder gives some interesting insights into the way Ray Kroc got to where he was, and the ruthlessness of his business activities.  Having franchised the model developed by the original McDonald's brothers in California, he then acquired rights to enable him to adapt the business to suit his plans - against theirs - and eventually bought them out.  The kicker is that they were then forbidden to use their own name in any future burger business they might decide to open.

    My early interest in Sherlock Holmes, and my absolute fascination with the character and his personality, may have been my first introduction to the idea of Aspiedom.  I certainly always felt a huge amount of identification with this seemingly friendless eternal bachelor, who forswore romantic attachments of any kind, focusing only on the things that were important to him in his work (even if I lacked his logic and analytical skills).  Mycroft, if anything, always came across to me in the stories as even more eccentric.