Petition for ASD to be recognized within DWP Assessments.

Please keep signing and sharing StarBlue heart

We all know how difficult Autism can be regardless of where on the spectrum an individual is. Please share and sign to get the government to open their eyes to how these Assessments are conducted. There's not enough education with the assessors to fully understand the daily difficulties that people with ASD go through! 

Keep sharing.

  • I think many people do not understand what PIP is - it a payment based entirely on measured needs and the claimants capabilities.      Just because someone has a problem, it doesn't mean they score any points.

    ASD covers such a wide spectrum of abilities ranging from almost fully functioning to barely functional that there needs to be an assessment of each individual.

    PIP asks things like can the person cook and feed themselves, can they wash and dress themselves, can they plan a journey and get about, can they manage bathroom functions, can they manage money and can they communicate with others.

    ASD is also one of the most faked applications to the DWP because there's no obvious markers like a missing leg.  Smiley

  • I think many people do not understand what PIP is - it a payment based entirely on measured needs and the claimants capabilities.      Just because someone has a problem, it doesn't mean they score any points.

    ASD covers such a wide spectrum of abilities ranging from almost fully functioning to barely functional that there needs to be an assessment of each individual.

    PIP asks things like can the person cook and feed themselves, can they wash and dress themselves, can they plan a journey and get about, can they manage bathroom functions, can they manage money and can they communicate with others.

    ASD is also one of the most faked applications to the DWP because there's no obvious markers like a missing leg.  Smiley

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