Petition for ASD to be recognized within DWP Assessments.

Please keep signing and sharing StarBlue heart

We all know how difficult Autism can be regardless of where on the spectrum an individual is. Please share and sign to get the government to open their eyes to how these Assessments are conducted. There's not enough education with the assessors to fully understand the daily difficulties that people with ASD go through! 

Keep sharing.

    • My granddaughter has ASD and select Mutisum yet the DWP have continued to ignore the fact she has a diagnosis and keep turning her PIP down this isn't right theyve even copied and pasted things from her 2018 claim put it in this new claim but gave her zero points again she did go to tribunal no representation she was continually questioned by judge and DWP and because her mum had was also going to tribunal on same day illegally questioned her about her mum's disabilities this is got to be against her human rights, disabilities legislation. Its got to stop .
    • My granddaughter has ASD and select Mutisum yet the DWP have continued to ignore the fact she has a diagnosis and keep turning her PIP down this isn't right theyve even copied and pasted things from her 2018 claim put it in this new claim but gave her zero points again she did go to tribunal no representation she was continually questioned by judge and DWP and because her mum had was also going to tribunal on same day illegally questioned her about her mum's disabilities this is got to be against her human rights, disabilities legislation. Its got to stop .
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