New diagnosis

Hi i am 34 and have recently been diagnosed with stage 2 autism which is love of routine,confusion and repeating myself and am finding it hard to cope and feel confused and really upset and cry a lot about it (even though that wasnt part of the diagnosis)and it still feels strange especially knowing ive had it all my life i have a friend in work that i may not always understand what she is saying and she keeps telling me not to keep asking the same questions and i have told her its part of my autism but she still thinks i can stop doing it so i just cant get her to understand when im trying to understand it myself and its all really upsetting me does anyone else feel like this if theyve been diagnosed recently? and does anyone have trouble trying to get people to understand?

  • The person you work with doesn't sound very supportive. When I'm struggling to communicate in a way that gets others to understand the difficulties I have I get someone else to explain things on my behalf, such as a line manager. Would you be able to get a line manager to speak to your colleague? Also, have you ever applied for A2W funding? The funding is from the government and they could pay for autism awareness sessions at your work.

  • The person you work with doesn't sound very supportive. When I'm struggling to communicate in a way that gets others to understand the difficulties I have I get someone else to explain things on my behalf, such as a line manager. Would you be able to get a line manager to speak to your colleague? Also, have you ever applied for A2W funding? The funding is from the government and they could pay for autism awareness sessions at your work.

  • Hi yes sometimes I talk to a friend that talks to people when something's upsetting me or if I don't understand something I have been trying not to repeat myself but a few times the person has said you said that last week or the other day which gets me down a bit if she says it again I will just have to say I forget what I say sometimes or would I be best asking my friend to speak to her on my behalf?