Noise at work

I'm only very mildly on the autistic spectrum and have no diagnosis. One thing that is causing me massive problems at the moment is noise at work. They have the radio playing over the work PA system and it is making me very stressed and anxious. I normally have the radio playing at home and like to have that background noise but work is different. I think because it is over a PA system to sound quality is poor, also the music is stuff that stresses me, dance and hip-hop (too percussive, lack of melody?), the DJs all talk in over an excited way and the adverts also use very excitable tones.

I've been told that I can't wear ear-plugs as it is a health and safety issue. So I wondered if there is any method I can use to deal with the stress and anxiety itself.

I am looking for another job but I can't stand this one much longer unless I find a way to cope with the noise, so I may have to leave with no other income if I don't get a solution.

  • Thanks caretwo, I have now looked at those suggestions. I'm not sure what the Health and Safety issue is, I don't think they are, they mentioned not being able to hear the fire alarm but I said that I could and they still weren't happy. It seemed that anything that might interfere with my hearing would be a problem. I certainly couldn't wear anything like ear muffs as they'd fall off if I was bending down. I think I'm going to have to try getting/ adapting earplugs that will reduce volume but not muffle anything and can be discreet enough that they can't be seen.

  • Thanks caretwo, I have now looked at those suggestions. I'm not sure what the Health and Safety issue is, I don't think they are, they mentioned not being able to hear the fire alarm but I said that I could and they still weren't happy. It seemed that anything that might interfere with my hearing would be a problem. I certainly couldn't wear anything like ear muffs as they'd fall off if I was bending down. I think I'm going to have to try getting/ adapting earplugs that will reduce volume but not muffle anything and can be discreet enough that they can't be seen.
