Back pain


i have some form of instability in my back that the doctors can't get to the bottom of, but the net result is back pain that painkillers don't deal with and it disturbs my sleep every single night. Having just read a couple of other posts and wondering for a while now about the possibility of some form of co-morbidity between autism and back issues, I thought I would just do a quick straw poll to find out how wide spread the issue is.



  • Got my back pain doing carework. Overlap with autism is believing other people when they said, everyone has backpain stop whinging get on with it. (Obedience and rule-following behaviour.) What you need's a physiotherpist, doctors are for pills and potions. Self-refer, ask GP, or go private.

  • I see a private physio each week but she can only keep me moving. I need a doctor to get a proper diagnosis and care plan, but the concept of doctors diagnosing anything seems to have gone out of the window.

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