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Not Imagining and visualising

I'm keen to know of others experience of not being able to imagine or visualise. I can't image distance or number or space, I can't imagine how to change a room to make it look more appealing, I can't imagine what something will look like once it's tidy or how to go about changes, I can't imagine the future realistically ( I admire those that have 1year 2yr 5yr 10yr plans ahead)... 

Secondly what do I do to change this or does it matter if I can't? 

  • Misfit61 - I could not be more different. These are my strengths. It's in fact my job!

    You've obviously brought this up for a reason. But it is not specific to ASD as far as I'm aware. And feel that's what you are asking? 

    Then after describing how you can't change a room say 

    Misfit61 said:
    I can't imagine the future realistically ( I admire those that have 1year 2yr 5yr 10yr plans ahead)... 

    How is this related?

  • It's what's called social imagination and is very much a feature of autism -social communication, social imagination and social interaction 

    I read a thread of Toms about imaging distance and quantity, Ivthink he called it imagining a fortune.  then it was included In one of either Spotty Tortoise or Quirky's thread in the verbal instructions thread that there is a difference between telling someone to tidy their room and showing them what that means. I just linked the two ideas together and hadn't thought about it from that perspective at all. They are all the same to me.. visualising and planning and being able to see what the result could look like. 

  • It comes across as if you are now placing yourself in a situation, described my Tom and it's now yours too. 

    Quite honestly I don't think you are making that much sense at the moment. 

  • 'Rigid views', 'Classic'? you state.

    For what reason have you brought this subject up? It's your responsibility to make your self clear and you have not. If you think I've been unpleasant and quite hurtful that's up to you. 

  • 'Rigid views', 'Classic'? you state.

    For what reason have you brought this subject up? It's your responsibility to make your self clear and you have not. If you think I've been unpleasant and quite hurtful that's up to you. 

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