Scared now...

That's the best word for it, really.  Scared.  How I've always been.  Scared of change.  Scared of the unknown.  Scared of my own shadow.

Following mum's passing in April, it was time for a lot of rest, recovery and reassessment.  Everyone advises no big changes after something like this, and I wasn't especially planning any.  But I wanted some certainty about my future.  That was, and is, important.

My employer had terminated my full-time contract because of the length of time I was off - but they offered me a zero-hours bank contract, which was better in many ways.  Pick and choose my hours.  More flexibility.  The downside would be working sometimes in areas of the business that don't appeal to me and I wouldn't really enjoy.  I like day services.  I like a 9 to 5 routine.

That's why I jumped at the chance again when I saw the local autistic trust advertising for a day support worker.  Just 4 days a week, but still doable because it was a higher salary.  Specialising in care for autistic people.  Activities largely based around community involvement.  All things I like.  They interviewed me on the spot (they'd offered me a job last year, which I had to turn down because of mum, and they remembered me) - and they offered me the job straight away.  Great.  The stability I wanted.  Change and having to get used to new people - but it all felt positive.

The downside was traveling (I could cycle to the old place) and the need to get a car because of the location.  I picked up a car yesterday.  First time I've had one for many years, and in some ways it's good to have that mobility and flexibility again, and not be tied to bus timetables and long bus journeys.  Another big change for me - but again, it felt positive.

Until last night.  We all know about 'middle-of-the-night syndrome', I guess.  Waking at about 2.30... and suddenly finding your head full of crap!  I laid there for about two hours, churning it all over, trying to use the techniques I'd been taught in CBT to diminish the anxiety - the fear.  It worked to some extent, because I eventually managed to get back to a restless form of sleep.  Wake-sleep would be a better way to describe it.

As usual, I was 'awful-ising' it all.  What if it I don't like the job?  What if I have problems with the car?  What if I find it harder than I thought to get by on the money? (take-home will be on a par with the old place, once I take out traveling costs)  What if?  What if?  What if?  And then, on the other side, there was the old job - and the positives.  A known quantity.  Nearer to home, so no need for a car.  Fitting right back in.  And I was happy there - happier, really, than I've been in a workplace for many years.  I used to cross the threshold to the park in the mornings (it's a huge estate) and feel.... safe.  Protected.  Happy.  The downsides could probably be managed in such circumstances.

This is how it always goes.  I suppose it's the same for everyone, ND or not.  But there are a lot of factors at play with me.  Is this too big a change, too soon?  Is it right?  Of course, I can't know until I try it.  Of course, too - the thought that got me to sleep in the end - if it doesn't work out, I can always re-apply to the old place.  They said they'd take me back.  Then I can go back to how I was, sell the car again, etc.

I know I need to stretch myself and broaden my horizons.  Lord knows, in recent years, I've closed myself in a bit.

Maybe I've answered my own questions.  Addressed my own fears - to some extent, anyway.

I just wish this anxiety - which is like a living thing in me now - would go away.

Thanks for reading.


  • Hi Mr Martian Tom, I've been following most of the threads around here and am aware of your situation around caring for your Mum, her loss and your new job (hope that doesn't make me sound like a stalker).  It made me sad and anxious for you reading this because you have sounded quite positive recently, but by the end I think you kind of have answered your own doubts and and @Lonewarrior have some wise words here.  Why does that link thing work with some names and not others???

    I cannot imagine not having a car but then I live in the sticks so I'd be a bit stuck without one, a car has always embodied freedom and possibility somehow.  I can fully imagine the fear of something going wrong with it though and that is something that may happen and you will be able to deal with it if you need to, I believe that from all that you have written here.

    You are not backed into a corner here and nothing seems impulsive, this is a job that you were interested in before caring for your Mum and it seems fortuitous that it has come around again when it is time for you to move forward and begin to make your life again.  You have the relative security of knowing that you can walk away and go back to the old job if you really need to as well, my interpretation of this is that both of these employers see how valuable you are which is something to be proud of.  You will be an autistic person working in an autistic environment, that could be very liberating and surely no one will expect the unreasonable.

    I know that just about everybody starting a new job ND or NT feels anxiety over it and your anxiety is most probably greater than most, I would encourage you to try and live beside it but not let it define you (pots and kettles), you have wisdom and experience on your side and a whole lot of positive energy coming from this forum, I hope that you can feel us all beneath your feet wishing you forward...

  • Hi Spotty

    hope you're ok.

    just hope Tom's feet are clean!! ;) 

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