What happens if assessment comes back borderline?


Long story short - I am female, 28, have a really long history of anxiety (which has never been narrowed down to a specific subtype, because it doesn't fit any of them) and have been in and out of mental health services for years, and recently a therapist suggested I might have ASD and offered to refer me to the adult autism services in my area. 

It came kind of out of the blue but there are things that ASD would explain that nothing else has been able to. If I don't have control of my environment I cannot function and I don't know why - it's not anxiety about a specific identifiable thing, I just can't cope. For this reason I cannot seem to hold down a normal job - I'm in academia at the moment and am much happier, but it will come to an end eventually and I'll be back on the treadmill of getting hired then fired because I'm too non-specifically overwhelmed to do my damn job. I cannot cope with having my schedule altered. I have ludicrously intense interests that are incredibly disruptive to the rest of my life.

But there are also things I'm not sure about. I don't know if I'm socially impaired enough (I make a very good first impression even if I can't sustain it). I don't know if I have enough sensory issues. I don't know if I have enough communication issues (I *think* I am not very good at nonverbal communication at all, but I am very very very good at interpreting language, I think better than average). 

And so I have a horrible suspicion that I might be right on the borderline between ASD and not. My AQ score ranges from 30 to 37, depending on whether I 'round up' or 'round down' on the questions I'm not sure about (do I enjoy reading fiction? I don't enjoy it as much as non-fiction, but I still enjoy it. I've been told I interrupt a lot on the phone but am not aware of doing so, so does that mean I know when it's my turn to speak or not?). And I almost feel like having confirmation that I have traits but not enough for a diagnosis, when the traits I do have are severe enough that I can't hold down a job, might be worse than not knowing.

So what happens if the result does come back borderline? Is that it? Are you sent off with no support or access to adjustments at work but still having the confirmation you're not quite 'normal'? 

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