Comedy Curve Club

Hey my fellow Asperger's/Autistic people, allow me to explain the Comedy Curve Club. First of all if you are here on this site, your'e in. (That includes you too Admins). 

The purpose is simply to make you, make me, make you laugh. The Comedic challenge I have set myself is  to create/revamp one word - one line - one page jokes for 365 days.

The target is 1 joke per day - 7 jokes per week. I have NO IDEA! If this can work or not.

The broad subject matter is Asperger's and Autism. I will start with yesterday; 17/7/17 up to and including 18/7/18

What subject matter I address in my jokes/comments is up to you. (You have the power.)

What have you never heard an Aspie joke about before?

Please tell me your funny Aspergers story that could be made into a joke. (Private message me if you wish.)

What in our everyday world do most people around you see as normal, but to you it is just plain 'wrong' ?

big or little it doesn't matter!

For me this will all be a part of my therapy. I therefore thank you all in advance for your support and co operation in this crazy venture/adventure.



Remember, It all started right here.

Parents Reply
  • What did the pirate say when asked to name, two unconnected professional cyclists, one of them must be a Olympic medal winner, the other a Tour de France competitor? The pirate said, "Chris and Mikel,"

    Seeing the bemused look's, he amended his answer to 'Landa, Hoy' . . . . . . . Its not my fault, He started it.

    Fresh from my mind,
