Struggling with work's training

As with most employees I have to attend training in order to keep my knowledge up to date and ensure I'm compliant with my employer's policies and procedures. 

But, I've noticed over the last few years, staff are bringing in iPads to take notes rather than the humble pad and pen, which is what I still prefer. The point of this post is this, does anyone else struggle to focus when there are other noises going on in the room? I've managed to tolerate the overhead projector whirring away and even the odd cough or pen click. But now there is numerous tap, tap taps going on and I feel like up ending the table and storming out. 

I recently complained to the training team about it. I'm still not out to everyone at work and don't feel I have to, to justify my frustration. But does anyone have any tips to block out/filter the distracting noise as they all merge to make one loud head-drilling sound?


  • If you declare your autism, the trainers will have a responsibility to not put you at any disadantage. This could take the form of giving you  headphones and the trainer a microphone for example, so you would be able to concentrate on what is being said rather than the noise of others.  Your employer may have an 'Equality officer' or if you are in a union ask their help.  Remember it is their responsibility to make sure that the training is given in a form that you are able to access without undue difficulty and the distractions prevent this.

  • Good advice but I've not revealed my diagnosis. Mainly because I don't want sympathy or to draw my attention to myself. If the trainer simply asked people to not type through sessions would help but then you get the glaring witch hunt about who complained!

  • Good advice but I've not revealed my diagnosis. Mainly because I don't want sympathy or to draw my attention to myself. If the trainer simply asked people to not type through sessions would help but then you get the glaring witch hunt about who complained!

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