Violence linked to Aspergers?

What are people's views on violence being linked to Aspergers?
I found this story on the provided link:-

  • Gone a bit off topic of autism and violence.

    To statistics and computing.

    Most vacancies I am looking at now, want incredible breadth and depth of knowledge. That I just don't have.

    My computer language experience goes back to old Fortran, then Pascal, a bit of C, C++, BBC basic, quick basic, visual basic.  I am now starting on Java and JavaScript.

    Statistical packages I've used, statpk, SPSS, minitab.  Now R is the preferred academic language/package.

    But my real problem is autism and getting along with people.

  • Gone a bit off topic of autism and violence.

    To statistics and computing.

    Most vacancies I am looking at now, want incredible breadth and depth of knowledge. That I just don't have.

    My computer language experience goes back to old Fortran, then Pascal, a bit of C, C++, BBC basic, quick basic, visual basic.  I am now starting on Java and JavaScript.

    Statistical packages I've used, statpk, SPSS, minitab.  Now R is the preferred academic language/package.

    But my real problem is autism and getting along with people.

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