Jury duty


I have been asked to do jury duty and I really really cannot do it. I have sent the form back asking to be excused. I was diagnosed late in life 2 years ago. I just hope they do excuse me as I am anxious now waiting to see if they get back. 

Does anyone have any experience of how this works. Do you think having aspergers will be a good enough reason to be excused. I realise we are all different and some would love the opportunity but I am not one. 

Thanks in advance for any input.

  • Hi folks,

    I work in the courts as an usher and recently supported a juror with autism through a trial they had been selected for. They hadn't mentioned it on the form you are given that covers both loss of earnings and any health issues that may affect you during jury service, I only found out when they disclosed it to me after having a panic attack.

    So my top tip would be to always mention it on that form, to the jury manager and to the usher who is assisting on the trial once you've been selected. Your well-being throughout your service is our priority :) I recognise that the justice system as it currently stands is not totally accessible for all but HMCTS are bringing out new resources soon that will go to all courts in England and Wales to help staff to better support service users with autism, and where I'm based the team are working hard to implement procedures as soon as we can!

  • I have just replied to do Jury duty at Durham court and I am Autistic. I am really interested in the experience and I am happy that help is available to navigate the process Relaxed️ thankyou Heartpulse

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