Could they one day come for us....

This may seem a bit of paranoia

In recent history we have had reports of computer hackers having Asperger Syndrome.

Suppose because of these cases the US government decide we need to be on a watch list.

My mind goes back to Germany in the 1930's as it was not just the Jews who were caught up in the holocaust

Could a list of those with ASD's be compiled from those who diagnosed us?

Is this just an irrational fear?

  • Hi Sticks.

    To be honest, I think the Americans are too busy hunting down oil to worry over something like us. Computer hackers that are captured/caught are often offered jobs by the government straight away to help enforce their security etc. And asides, only a small amount would have Aspergers, they'll be too busy fussing over the 'normal' ones who can get into their systems.

    Plus I don't reckon we've got a Hitler amoung us yet, so we should be safe. The only thing I'm worried about is scientists trying to 'cure' those with Autism, as if I want to be 'normal'. ¬¬

  • Hi Sticks.

    To be honest, I think the Americans are too busy hunting down oil to worry over something like us. Computer hackers that are captured/caught are often offered jobs by the government straight away to help enforce their security etc. And asides, only a small amount would have Aspergers, they'll be too busy fussing over the 'normal' ones who can get into their systems.

    Plus I don't reckon we've got a Hitler amoung us yet, so we should be safe. The only thing I'm worried about is scientists trying to 'cure' those with Autism, as if I want to be 'normal'. ¬¬

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