Could they one day come for us....

This may seem a bit of paranoia

In recent history we have had reports of computer hackers having Asperger Syndrome.

Suppose because of these cases the US government decide we need to be on a watch list.

My mind goes back to Germany in the 1930's as it was not just the Jews who were caught up in the holocaust

Could a list of those with ASD's be compiled from those who diagnosed us?

Is this just an irrational fear?

  • The computer hacker part is far fetched. The list part not so much. The NHS will have records for diagnosis for most autistic people. It would require legislation to centralise that list but technically it really wouldn't be hard to merge the data sources. Most GPs would have the records and most GPs now outsource there IT to one of a few companies. The UK goverment would probably only need to go to 2 or 3 companies to build a list of most of the diagnosed autistic people in the country.

    With the recent stabbings you could see some crazy national security argument being used to justify building a watch list of autistic people. We are not there yet but it is a concerning prospect.

  • The computer hacker part is far fetched. The list part not so much. The NHS will have records for diagnosis for most autistic people. It would require legislation to centralise that list but technically it really wouldn't be hard to merge the data sources. Most GPs would have the records and most GPs now outsource there IT to one of a few companies. The UK goverment would probably only need to go to 2 or 3 companies to build a list of most of the diagnosed autistic people in the country.

    With the recent stabbings you could see some crazy national security argument being used to justify building a watch list of autistic people. We are not there yet but it is a concerning prospect.

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