Mr Angry!

So, as of Tuesday it seems I don't have what I thought I had (chronic depression and severe social anxiety disorder) for however long. Instead I have Aspergers.

I understand that this will supposedly make a difference to things but I don't understand why. I know I need to 'adapt' to the idea that I have something different and it will take time. 

I'm no more or less vulnerable, struggling, stressed and numerous other things than I was Monday. I'm still indoors, on my own, daren't open curtains or windows and afraid of people as I was Monday.

Instead I just feel angry, more than angry even.
Angry that I can't find anything which helps me. I'm not a parent, don't have a carer, live alone and have no existing support. 99.9% of information I can find is for parents, relatives, carers, employers and everyone else just not the poor bugger who has had this dropped on him...
Very angry because I am now at sea. I have no idea what's going on, what I'm supposed to do, who I'm supposed to talk to or where I'm supposed to go for help. I think my life has just turned upside down.
Extremely angry that just having the label is probably going to make the difference between qualifying for help and being ignored. Why should I have gone through the past few years? It's disturbing that the label of 'Autism' or 'Aspergers' seems to act like a magic wand.**
Positively livid because I feel like I've lost between 5 and 15 years because nobody realised or understood enough to suggest what was really wrong.
Incandescent rage because when I spoke to my local council, the first thing they said after I mentioned Aspergers was that meant I needed the 'Learning Disability Team'. I can't speak for anyone else but, as a former croupier with a fairly high IQ (140+) I found it a huge insult. 
***please note this is my experience. Other people may have found it very different, which is really my point. It's not about your label, its about your circumstances.
For those who want to know, I'm 43 and had no inkling of this until it was mentioned by my GP a few weeks ago. It has been a bolt from the blue.
  • Hiya,don't worry I can relate to some of what you are going through,my advice is to try not to feel so angry,it is very bad for your health,and it could give you a heart attack one day!Also maybe you could join a local support group?Then you would not feel so alone,as there are many others in the 'same boat',you know:-)!I am a 46 year old lady(apparently us females are harder to diagnose,as we are good at hideing stuff more)so I was told I was suffering from 'stress',but I know different,but I still have that hurdle to get over.There are various services to support people like us,also if you wanted to go for a voluntary job,and you spoke to them about your Aspergers,they should support you and be 'non judgemental',as there has been some coverage in the news recently about it too.

    Hope this helps,

    t c


  • Hiya,don't worry I can relate to some of what you are going through,my advice is to try not to feel so angry,it is very bad for your health,and it could give you a heart attack one day!Also maybe you could join a local support group?Then you would not feel so alone,as there are many others in the 'same boat',you know:-)!I am a 46 year old lady(apparently us females are harder to diagnose,as we are good at hideing stuff more)so I was told I was suffering from 'stress',but I know different,but I still have that hurdle to get over.There are various services to support people like us,also if you wanted to go for a voluntary job,and you spoke to them about your Aspergers,they should support you and be 'non judgemental',as there has been some coverage in the news recently about it too.

    Hope this helps,

    t c


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