17 yr Autistic daughter just refused PIP


I am new to the forum as my daughter was only diagnosed with Austistic Spectrum Disorder last summer, after a year and a half of assessments. We applied for PIP last April (I am her appointee) and have just been sent a letter saying she will not receive it, despite never going out alone and not being able to cope with communication with people other than her immediate family, and that is limited. She scored 4 points for 'engaging with other people face to face' and 4 points for 'planning and following journeys'. Zero points for everything else, despite a face to face assessment where I explained that she goes out on average once a week, sometimes less, and is always accompanied. She has lots of sensitivities, particularly with food.

Has anyone else experienced this? I am preparing an appeal. It says on the covering letter ' I realise you have a disability or health condition and receiving this decision isn't the news you were hoping for'. It's a joke.

  • Hi,

    Just an update. I am currently going through the appeals process as my local Welfare Rights officer says we have a good case and that they will represent my daughter in court, so that is a relief as I was going to give up.

    I didn't want to worry anyone with my post, but I would say make sure you get your say in the face to face assessment, and explain that your child will say 'yes' to a question just to avoid having to have a conversation.
    Some of the questions we had were quite strange. My daughter was asked to spell a word backwards, and do a simple Maths sum involving money. She was asked if she walks the dogs, she answered yes (she doesn't). I had to explain that she occasionally accompanies me (once or twice a year), but the assessor didn't take much notice of that. I was asked if she is ever violent, which she isn't, so that may go in your favour.
    It is difficult but it seems you have to stick with it, get advice from your local Welfare Rights office or Citizens Advice as that made me feel a lot better. If at first you are refused then ask for a reconsideration, and if that fails take it to an appeals tribunal. It is all explained in the decision letter so I assume most people appeal!
    Also start gathering as much evidence as you can from any professionals your child sees or has seen.
    I will update this post once I have been to the tribunal and know the outcome.
    Good luck, it is stressful I know!
  • I have had my DLA stopped after 30 years half my life  told atos all my problems the woman lied through her teeth it's always been suspected l have autism their are six in my immediate family with it I can't do anything for myself at all l don't recognise myself or my family not even my kids I treat them as strangers I have two types of arthritis auto immune disorder related to arthritis... bit b12 deficiency.. asthma memory. loss.. bone weakness ..a limp a pinned up leg.. diverticulitis.a allergies .fainting tiredness l fall I can't wash dress bath cook do shopping l need help I walk in front of traffic get lost all over the country if I attempt to go out alone I smell because I don't know how to take care of myself so l can only just grasp your meaning l am trapped in my own brain and mind dont know how to work money out I've got in debt husband brought up kids lost him to diabetes two years ago lm terrified no carers refused that pip appeals taking forever 

  • I have had my DLA stopped after 30 years half my life  told atos all my problems the woman lied through her teeth it's always been suspected l have autism their are six in my immediate family with it I can't do anything for myself at all l don't recognise myself or my family not even my kids I treat them as strangers I have two types of arthritis auto immune disorder related to arthritis... bit b12 deficiency.. asthma memory. loss.. bone weakness ..a limp a pinned up leg.. diverticulitis.a allergies .fainting tiredness l fall I can't wash dress bath cook do shopping l need help I walk in front of traffic get lost all over the country if I attempt to go out alone I smell because I don't know how to take care of myself so l can only just grasp your meaning l am trapped in my own brain and mind dont know how to work money out I've got in debt husband brought up kids lost him to diabetes two years ago lm terrified no carers refused that pip appeals taking forever 

  • Hi, I have a diagnosis of adhd and autism (I’m 39) and only just got diagnosed 2 months ago! I also have b12 deficiency, auto immune disorder, Ehlers Danlos Type 3 (no collagen in my body) horrific short term memory loss, joint Hypermobility syndrome, asthma, the list goes on. Maybe these conditions are somehow related to autism too? My brother and Mum have the same as me also, and I have a 13 year old daughter that is autistic wit Aspergers and adhd. I too am the same as you and struggle so much every day :( I had to resubmit forms for Pip due to autism diagnosis, was on care 12 points and mobility 4, and today I got the report and somehow I have dropped 1 point in care! Which doesn’t sound a lot but it’s £30 a week and I use that for extra help. How did your assessment go?