17 yr Autistic daughter just refused PIP


I am new to the forum as my daughter was only diagnosed with Austistic Spectrum Disorder last summer, after a year and a half of assessments. We applied for PIP last April (I am her appointee) and have just been sent a letter saying she will not receive it, despite never going out alone and not being able to cope with communication with people other than her immediate family, and that is limited. She scored 4 points for 'engaging with other people face to face' and 4 points for 'planning and following journeys'. Zero points for everything else, despite a face to face assessment where I explained that she goes out on average once a week, sometimes less, and is always accompanied. She has lots of sensitivities, particularly with food.

Has anyone else experienced this? I am preparing an appeal. It says on the covering letter ' I realise you have a disability or health condition and receiving this decision isn't the news you were hoping for'. It's a joke.

  • Hello all,
    Just wanted to share this. 
    I have just today heard from DWP after a very long fight for six months or more regarding my autistic adult child. We had sent all the evidence in back in December, And specifically said that he would not be suitable for a face-to-face assessment due to being severe. This was clearly ignored as the person who dealt with his case was not experienced or familiar with autism at all. I decided to use an advocacy service, after fighting PIP for a while on my own,(I’m quite used to doing this, but PIP is a different level) and have to say that it was the best thing I ever did! 
    Please please please check what advocacy services you have available in your area, and especially for mental health issues, we were allocated somebody who specialised in what we needed help with?, This is what they are there for, and I wanted to share our experience, because I almost gave up which is unlike me. I don't want to see any more people have their benefits revoked as a result of inexperienced workers that do not understand a written report or written evidence when it is presented to them. As of today we received the PIP decision and it is very good news, but we would not have got this without the help from the advocate and their legal team?
    Do not give up and do not let them win, you will get what you are entitled to if you are a genuine case and you have the help of people who are in the know and of course the supporting evidence.
    I have included a written apology (obviously with names excluded) that was received from ATOS to my advocate, trying to get an apology from New is usually worse than trying to get blood out of a stone but as you can see it can be done. So please do not give up ?
    Good luck everyone


    Thank you for your recent email in which you express your concerns on behalf of 
    with regard to application for Personal Independence Payment
    I would like to apologise for the inconvenience that has been caused to and
    It is not our intention to cause any distress and I appreciate that the process has
    not run smoothly in this case.

    As part of Atos Healthcare’s commitment to provide a service of the highest standard, it is
    important that we continue to be open and receptive to the views of those whose lives are
    affected by the service that we provide. I am, therefore, grateful for the feedback, which has given me the opportunity to investigate the concerns raised.

    From reading your complaint I understand tha xxxxxx is unhappy that xxxxxxxxx
    was asked to attend an assessment centre appointment, that the reason they did not attend the appointment was not accepted by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and that this resulted in the withdrawal of his benefit entitlement.

    With regard to DWP not accepting the reasonxxxxxxxx did not attend the assessment
    centre appointment and xxxxxxxx benefit entitlement being withdrawn, Atos are not
    involved in this decision and xxxxxxx should direct any further questions relating to this
    matter to the DWP on
    It may be helpful if I explain that all applications received from the DWP are subject to an
    initial review, an office based Health Professional (HP) reviews the PIP2 questionnaire
    alongside any supporting evidence provided and makes a decision as to whether or not it is necessary to carry out a face to face consultation or if it is possible to complete a Paper
    Based Review negating the need for an assessment.

    On receipt of your correspondence, I asked one of our Client Relations Medical Advisors
    (CRMA), a senior clinician who works alongside the complaints team, to review the evidence
    available on the DWP database. He advised that the evidence available identifies xxxxxxxxx
    as a vulnerable adult for whom a face to face assessment would undoubtedly be a difficult
    and stressful experience and therefore a face to face assessment would not be appropriate.

    I can confirm that the HP who completed the initial scrutiny allocated an assessment centre
    appointment in error and I would like to offer my sincere apologies to xxxxxxxxxxxx for and the distress this has caused. I can assure you that feedback has been
    provided to the manager of the HP concerned to be addressed as a training issue and
    appropriate action taken.

    xxxxxxxxxxxx claim was reviewed again on xxxxx 2017 and the HP contacted the manager
    of xxxxxxxxxxxx for additional information, a Paper Based Review has now been completed
    and the report submitted to the DWP for the Decision Maker to complete their process.
    I acknowledge that the withdrawal of xxxxxxxx benefit was a direct result of the error
    made during the processing of his benefit referral by Atos Healthcare, in order to rectify the
    situation I contacted the DWP on xxxx 2017 on xxxxxx behalf. I provided details of
    our error and asked the DWP to reinstate the DLA award until the decision regarding
    xxxxxxxxxx entitlement to PIP is made. The DWP have confirmed that the decision has been
    reconsidered and they will write to xxxxxx separately to advise her of the outcome.
    Please be assured that errors such as this are rare and Atos Healthcare take all complaints
    very seriously as the information contained within them is invaluable in enabling us to
    monitor and improve our level of service. I would, therefore, like to thank you for the
    details of xxxxxxxxxxx experience, all of which will be kept on file for future reference.
    Atos Healthcare strives to provide all customers who undergo an examination in respect of a
    benefit claim with a professional and courteous service. Once again please pass on my
    sincere apologies to xxxxxxxxxxxxxx for the distress and inconvenience that has
    been caused on this occasion.
    I hope that any future dealings with xxxxxxxxxxx has with our service will not give cause for
    Yours sincerely
    PIP Client Relations Officer
    Atos Healthcare

  • Hello all,
    Just wanted to share this. 
    I have just today heard from DWP after a very long fight for six months or more regarding my autistic adult child. We had sent all the evidence in back in December, And specifically said that he would not be suitable for a face-to-face assessment due to being severe. This was clearly ignored as the person who dealt with his case was not experienced or familiar with autism at all. I decided to use an advocacy service, after fighting PIP for a while on my own,(I’m quite used to doing this, but PIP is a different level) and have to say that it was the best thing I ever did! 
    Please please please check what advocacy services you have available in your area, and especially for mental health issues, we were allocated somebody who specialised in what we needed help with?, This is what they are there for, and I wanted to share our experience, because I almost gave up which is unlike me. I don't want to see any more people have their benefits revoked as a result of inexperienced workers that do not understand a written report or written evidence when it is presented to them. As of today we received the PIP decision and it is very good news, but we would not have got this without the help from the advocate and their legal team?
    Do not give up and do not let them win, you will get what you are entitled to if you are a genuine case and you have the help of people who are in the know and of course the supporting evidence.
    I have included a written apology (obviously with names excluded) that was received from ATOS to my advocate, trying to get an apology from New is usually worse than trying to get blood out of a stone but as you can see it can be done. So please do not give up ?
    Good luck everyone


    Thank you for your recent email in which you express your concerns on behalf of 
    with regard to application for Personal Independence Payment
    I would like to apologise for the inconvenience that has been caused to and
    It is not our intention to cause any distress and I appreciate that the process has
    not run smoothly in this case.

    As part of Atos Healthcare’s commitment to provide a service of the highest standard, it is
    important that we continue to be open and receptive to the views of those whose lives are
    affected by the service that we provide. I am, therefore, grateful for the feedback, which has given me the opportunity to investigate the concerns raised.

    From reading your complaint I understand tha xxxxxx is unhappy that xxxxxxxxx
    was asked to attend an assessment centre appointment, that the reason they did not attend the appointment was not accepted by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and that this resulted in the withdrawal of his benefit entitlement.

    With regard to DWP not accepting the reasonxxxxxxxx did not attend the assessment
    centre appointment and xxxxxxxx benefit entitlement being withdrawn, Atos are not
    involved in this decision and xxxxxxx should direct any further questions relating to this
    matter to the DWP on
    It may be helpful if I explain that all applications received from the DWP are subject to an
    initial review, an office based Health Professional (HP) reviews the PIP2 questionnaire
    alongside any supporting evidence provided and makes a decision as to whether or not it is necessary to carry out a face to face consultation or if it is possible to complete a Paper
    Based Review negating the need for an assessment.

    On receipt of your correspondence, I asked one of our Client Relations Medical Advisors
    (CRMA), a senior clinician who works alongside the complaints team, to review the evidence
    available on the DWP database. He advised that the evidence available identifies xxxxxxxxx
    as a vulnerable adult for whom a face to face assessment would undoubtedly be a difficult
    and stressful experience and therefore a face to face assessment would not be appropriate.

    I can confirm that the HP who completed the initial scrutiny allocated an assessment centre
    appointment in error and I would like to offer my sincere apologies to xxxxxxxxxxxx for and the distress this has caused. I can assure you that feedback has been
    provided to the manager of the HP concerned to be addressed as a training issue and
    appropriate action taken.

    xxxxxxxxxxxx claim was reviewed again on xxxxx 2017 and the HP contacted the manager
    of xxxxxxxxxxxx for additional information, a Paper Based Review has now been completed
    and the report submitted to the DWP for the Decision Maker to complete their process.
    I acknowledge that the withdrawal of xxxxxxxx benefit was a direct result of the error
    made during the processing of his benefit referral by Atos Healthcare, in order to rectify the
    situation I contacted the DWP on xxxx 2017 on xxxxxx behalf. I provided details of
    our error and asked the DWP to reinstate the DLA award until the decision regarding
    xxxxxxxxxx entitlement to PIP is made. The DWP have confirmed that the decision has been
    reconsidered and they will write to xxxxxx separately to advise her of the outcome.
    Please be assured that errors such as this are rare and Atos Healthcare take all complaints
    very seriously as the information contained within them is invaluable in enabling us to
    monitor and improve our level of service. I would, therefore, like to thank you for the
    details of xxxxxxxxxxx experience, all of which will be kept on file for future reference.
    Atos Healthcare strives to provide all customers who undergo an examination in respect of a
    benefit claim with a professional and courteous service. Once again please pass on my
    sincere apologies to xxxxxxxxxxxxxx for the distress and inconvenience that has
    been caused on this occasion.
    I hope that any future dealings with xxxxxxxxxxx has with our service will not give cause for
    Yours sincerely
    PIP Client Relations Officer
    Atos Healthcare

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