17 yr Autistic daughter just refused PIP


I am new to the forum as my daughter was only diagnosed with Austistic Spectrum Disorder last summer, after a year and a half of assessments. We applied for PIP last April (I am her appointee) and have just been sent a letter saying she will not receive it, despite never going out alone and not being able to cope with communication with people other than her immediate family, and that is limited. She scored 4 points for 'engaging with other people face to face' and 4 points for 'planning and following journeys'. Zero points for everything else, despite a face to face assessment where I explained that she goes out on average once a week, sometimes less, and is always accompanied. She has lots of sensitivities, particularly with food.

Has anyone else experienced this? I am preparing an appeal. It says on the covering letter ' I realise you have a disability or health condition and receiving this decision isn't the news you were hoping for'. It's a joke.

  • Thank you le8man. I'm in the Bromley area, not a good place to be if you need any kind of help it seems! No local autism support group, no welfare rights group and I've tried 4 solicitors, none of them interested. CAB can't help and I've also been working my way through a list of 10 different help/advisory groups. I have until the 4th December to respond to the statement of reasons and request an appeal to the upper tribunal. Getting desperate!! Could try my local MP but I'm not sure that will help in time. Running out of ideas which is why I posted this cry for help  : (   .. If I could just get some help or ideas for the response / request upper tribunal letter it would be a weight of my mind.

  • Thank you le8man. I'm in the Bromley area, not a good place to be if you need any kind of help it seems! No local autism support group, no welfare rights group and I've tried 4 solicitors, none of them interested. CAB can't help and I've also been working my way through a list of 10 different help/advisory groups. I have until the 4th December to respond to the statement of reasons and request an appeal to the upper tribunal. Getting desperate!! Could try my local MP but I'm not sure that will help in time. Running out of ideas which is why I posted this cry for help  : (   .. If I could just get some help or ideas for the response / request upper tribunal letter it would be a weight of my mind.

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