what should we say to those who are dismissive about asd

I keep seeing posts here, that say that it is hard to "come out" because there are people who think that aspergers is not real.

Someone has just posted that people think aspergers "did not exist in my day". Someone else said that it was thought to be almost trendy to claim you have it, so formal diagnosis is vital. Misconceptions abound.

I am no good at sharp responses to this kind of dismissive remark. We do not think on our feet. Perhaps we should pool our ideas of what to say, when those around us are dismissive.

Sadly, the only thing I can think of sounds a little rude.

We used to be labeled geeks and wierdos. Now we are recognised as being on the autism specrum.

Can any one else do better please?

  • I once remember being in a queue in a shop and the person serving complementing a mother on her well behaved child. The mothers reply was "nice parents have nice children". I remained silent, but thought "you smug ********" try living in the real world. Not all children are placid little obedient puddings, some have personality and spirit. I had not even heard of aspergers then, and thought autism was a severe mental handicap. Little did I know, that I was on the spectrum.

  • I once remember being in a queue in a shop and the person serving complementing a mother on her well behaved child. The mothers reply was "nice parents have nice children". I remained silent, but thought "you smug ********" try living in the real world. Not all children are placid little obedient puddings, some have personality and spirit. I had not even heard of aspergers then, and thought autism was a severe mental handicap. Little did I know, that I was on the spectrum.

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