Humour, double meanings, sarcasm etc taking things literally.

In another discussion, this has been raised as an area which people on the spectrum find difficult.

I have found references to this problem in every book I have read so far.

As an undiagnosed person, this is one aspect that I find difficult to understand in relation to myself. If I am missing non verbal communications, I cannot be aware that I am. I am able, however, to understand quite a lot of the above, and have assumed so far, that this is just something that I have learned. (I'm another child of the 50s) So why is it such a big issue in books on asd?

People with aspergers are as intelligent, or more so, than nt people. So why would they be unable to learn that a phrase may have more than one meaning. Words with multiple meanings are commonplace, eg wind, cheque/check, love, row, tier/tear

. Do we not learn some of these things with time? I am slow at getting jokes, but get there in the end. 

Do other people here, find this to be a major issue? Is Frankie Howard really beyond the comprehansion of those on the spectrum? I don't mean to be rude in asking this, it is just the one thing I have read that really doesn't seam to fit.

  • Firstly, I have not been diagnosed yet but do have more than a few traits! 

    Taking things literally.. Yes someone once told me that Guinness got to England via a pipeline. And I believed them. And was always being dared to do stupid things as a kid (eg eat a fly Laughing). And used to think that any germs on my hands would kill me (the germs on the fly didn't count of course..)

    Always the last to get the 'groan' jokes in the office. But love a bit of sarcasm. So long as it is not aimed at me!

  • Firstly, I have not been diagnosed yet but do have more than a few traits! 

    Taking things literally.. Yes someone once told me that Guinness got to England via a pipeline. And I believed them. And was always being dared to do stupid things as a kid (eg eat a fly Laughing). And used to think that any germs on my hands would kill me (the germs on the fly didn't count of course..)

    Always the last to get the 'groan' jokes in the office. But love a bit of sarcasm. So long as it is not aimed at me!

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