ADHD and autism

Hi I’m new on this forum and just wanted to introduce myself I have recently been diagnosed with ADHD  and I am awaiting an autism assessment but I know I have got it . It was my first day taking ADHD medication today and it made me feel quite sleepy. i don’t know much about ADHD but i want to learn however the booklet I was given was a bit to difficult for me to understand does anyone know any good websites that I can go on to learn about it that will help me understand it better.  

  • Hi Wave nice to have you here! There seems to be a good community here so far and I’ve found a lot of good people on TikTok. I am not really a social media type but I just keep low key, only believe what is referenced and learn quite a bit from that community. It’s nice to know you’re not alone and people experience similar things to you. I don’t have ADHD but I have a close friend with it. I only have 3 close people so I needed some help dealing with them (because they’re worth it) so found a channel called adhd_love. Rox and Richard Pink have written two great books about ADHD and they also have a body doubling app, Dubbi.
    Take care and welcome!

  • Hi Wave nice to have you here! There seems to be a good community here so far and I’ve found a lot of good people on TikTok. I am not really a social media type but I just keep low key, only believe what is referenced and learn quite a bit from that community. It’s nice to know you’re not alone and people experience similar things to you. I don’t have ADHD but I have a close friend with it. I only have 3 close people so I needed some help dealing with them (because they’re worth it) so found a channel called adhd_love. Rox and Richard Pink have written two great books about ADHD and they also have a body doubling app, Dubbi.
    Take care and welcome!
