What has everyone done today

Hi today I got up phoned my friend to see how his dad was doing. Then I caught the bus into town and took my coat to be sticked up as it had a tare. I then walked around the shops got a McDonald’s for lunch then I went back to pick up my coat and there were people singing songs from beauty and the beast. I then met a friendly Jack Russell called beast lol. Then I caught the bus home got some food for my tea later then went over to chat to my neighbour. Got in then had a nap and I am going to chill for the rest of the day now. What has everyone else been doing today? 

  • I finished making some green tomato ketchup, so I have 5 bottles of that. I've peeled some pickling onions and have left them to brine for a few hours, I will drain them overnight and then do the pickling vinegar and pot them up tomorow.

    Fearn and I have been blown around the park a couple of times.

    I cleaned the kitchen.

    Later I shall watch Strictly with my dinner of Thai red curry in a bowl on my lap.

  • How do you make green tomato ketchup (do you use food colouring dye?) Sweat smileThumbsup

Reply Children
  • It's not like the normal red tomato ketchup, it's made from unripe, green tomatoes as a way of using them up, we had loads of tomatoes that didn't ripen this year so I've been looking at different ways of using them and not just making chutney.