Folic acid

Got my blood results back basically I have a deficiency of folic acid. Didn’t know this at all and it took me as quite a surprise tbh. So I need to take high strength folic acid tablets now. I never knew this but low folic acid in the brain can cause seizures, depression, anxiety, ataxia, myoclonus and autistic symptoms. Very interesting. Maybe low folic acid had been my problem all these years. Apparently there’s also a link between mothers with low folate and risk of autism. I looked up all the symptoms of low folic acid and yeh I have them all and they really explain things for me. Hopefully these will help me then. Does anyone else have this issues with low folic acid? I thought I would update people on how I got on with my neurological issues as I did say that I would do that. Sorry about the post about England and stuff I don’t know I’ve kinda been acting a bit strange lately I have been having altercations with people in the street as well lately. I thought it was them that were the problem but maybe it is me because I am thinking all crazy because of low folic acid or something. Hey maybe it is me that’s the problem at least sometimes I dunno. 

  • Hi Yellow tree. Good to hear that you are now on some folic acid replacement. I don't take folic acid - did during pregnancy, but do take vitamin D supplements. Was your vitamin D blood test okay? xx

  • Hi Yellow tree. Good to hear that you are now on some folic acid replacement. I don't take folic acid - did during pregnancy, but do take vitamin D supplements. Was your vitamin D blood test okay? xx

  • Yeh everything else was okay. You see I have been having worsening neurological issues over the last 2 years. I have started to develop a form of seizures at night that has been getting worse over the past 2 years. I never got these before hand and always slept okay when I eventually got to sleep. It seems that it has been caused by my low folate levels. I was never actually tested for folate just FBC which checks blood cells but not specifically folate levels. It appears that low folate does cause a lot of neurological issues. Like tremors, anxiety and depression etc. I could have had this for years and been dealing with it and not knowing. But luckily I know now