If the loneliness page doesn't work

Sooooo I'm a practical person eho likes actual steps of what to do and the loneliness page hasn't helped.

  • Reach out to others, such as family and friends, for support -none available or helpful
  • Use your interests as a way of making connections, - I don't have an interest
  • Use social media and online forums or gaming to connect, -social media causes rage and negative emotions, gaming bores me
  • Consider peer support from a befriender service and local groups - can't find any even in the directory
  • Meet with others in an environment that meets your sensory needs -none to meet and nowhere to go
  • Spend time with pets or assistance dogs. -zero effect 

I help make a space for others but it's not for me I don't connect there the opposite in fact it highlights how alien I am. 

So now what? Just be satisfied alone?  Anyone else felt this way and got stuck? How'd you get unstuck or can we figure something else out to try?

  • Hi and welcome to the community!

    I’m going to respectfully disagree with you and suggest that the page you refer to has already provided useful advice. :)

    By joining this forum and reaching out here, you’re already doing aspects of all except the final bullet point in the list:

    You’re reaching out, you’re using your interest in autism and related loneliness as a way of making a connection, this is an online forum, this community is based on peer support, and interactions here are in a sufficiently comfortable environment for you to use!

    That might sound facetious, but it isn’t my intention.  I just wanted to encourage you to consider that the advice can be followed in ways that might not immediately be obvious.

    I’m lonely too, by the way. It’s nice to meet you, and I hope you stay around!

  • Oops you can't edit posts for typos. Sorry