Panic/Anxiety? - this has helped me.

I just wanted to share this in case it might help others on here. I’ve struggled for decades with anxiety - and about three years ago developed PTSD following serious illness. I have spent such a long time trying to find things that help (medication didn’t work for me - in fact it made me worse). 
Recently I’ve been seeing more and more things online about the Vagus Nerve and breathing techniques connected to the Vagus Nerve. I saw this YouTube video last night and thought it might be of interest to other people on here who struggle with anxiety.

If you search on YouTube : Vagus Nerve Reset - Quickly stop stress and anxiety

its by a YouTube channel called YOGABODY

He demonstrates the Valsalva (I might have spelled that wrong ) technique that they apparently use in Emergency Rooms in the U.S to lower peoples heart rate. 
I’ve also found other Vagus Nerve breathing techniques on YouTube that really do seem to help me. 

I just thought I’d put this on here in case it might help anyone else who struggles with panic and anxiety. 

  • Thanks Kate - I will certainly look at that. I always have a problem doing breathing techniques so hope to find one that works for me.

  • Hi Mark - yes - I’ve struggled a lot  with breathing techniques too - and found myself getting almost more anxious when trying many of them! However I’ve persevered with looking into this as they really do seem to be a very effective thing for many people. I’m finding some success with them now - I find I need to try to ‘get into the zone a bit’ - and let my ‘thinking racing mind’ get a bit more into the background - if that makes sense?  What really  helped me was doing Qigong exercises - because they combine the breath WITH simply body exercises - and somehow that helped my concentration to stop getting distracted into worrying racing thoughts. 
    Qigong is so good - I wish I’d discovered it years ago. It’s so easy (I was always put off by yoga as it looked so difficult to me). I find Qigong very relaxing and simple to do - and it involves breathing deeply in a more relaxed way that just seems to work better for me. 

  • It's funny how you can hear related things in the same day, I was just at an autism group, and the lady in charge (also autistic!) suggested that any technique should be practiced and got used to when you are not anxious. Then you can call on it when you are anxious. This has never occurred to me before- so your video is the first thing I'm going to do with this in mind!! Grin (Previously, it's always been my wife trying to get me to breathe in the middle of the night during a panic attack.)

    EDIT: Damn. I have glaucoma! It says to check with my doctor Sob. Will probably be fine, but I have to watch those pressures.

  • It's funny how you can hear related things in the same day, I was just at an autism group, and the lady in charge (also autistic!) suggested that any technique should be practiced and got used to when you are not anxious. Then you can call on it when you are anxious. This has never occurred to me before- so your video is the first thing I'm going to do with this in mind!! Grin (Previously, it's always been my wife trying to get me to breathe in the middle of the night during a panic attack.)

    EDIT: Damn. I have glaucoma! It says to check with my doctor Sob. Will probably be fine, but I have to watch those pressures.
